Social Distanced Sports

Playing a sport is a fun and healthy way to get out and do something. It is hard to find ones that allow for social distancing because of all the new rules and laws. While you still want to have fun, you need to make sure you obey them. Some sports let you be outdoors and help you stay distant enough from other people, while others are sports you can play by yourself. Here are a few that you can play by yourself or with minimal contact.

Chippo | Outdoor Golf Game - YouTube


You can play golf while social distancing and still have fun. When you play, you aren’t necessarily playing against someone, it’s the actual course. You are trying to get the lowest score. If you like to gup against some competition, you could look for some golf tournament contests.


Another sport that is placed outdoors and is challenging is horseshoes. It …

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Things to Have When Playing Golf

One of the best times to play sports is when there is nice weather. One of the best for doing that is playing golf. It can be a great way to get exercise and get out on the sun. Golf takes a great deal of skill if you wish to play at a high level. Courses offer multiple holes to play depending on your skill though, so there’s no need to be scared of playing at one. Here are a few things you will need before you go out and play.

Playing "Golf Swing" Instead of "Golf" Could be Hurting your Game!


Having a nice set of clubs can affect your overall score while playing. They can be made out of various different materials such as steel or carbon. This will affect how you swing and hit the ball. There are also multiple kinds of clubs for you to use. You should always have a good driver, set of irons, …

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3 Celebrities With Birthdays During “Social Distancing”

News of COVID-19 has been sweeping the globe, overtaking the standard articles detailing the newest celebrity gossip, movie reviews or wedding announcements. As the “stay at home” orders continue into their second month, people have started to get creative when it comes to the events they once took for granted. And for many, “social distancing” has affected their birthdays, leaving them to blow out their candles alone. Here are three celebrities who will be getting creative for their April birthdays. 

1. Emma Watson (April 15)

Most well-known for her early role as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter, Watson has gone on to star in other films including Little Women, Beauty and the Beast and Noah. She currently is working to promote gender equality as the United Nations Women Goodwill ambassador. The British movie-star will certainly be the “belle” of the ball during her quarantine celebrations.

2. Eddie Murphy (April 3)

This …

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History of BMX Bike Sports

Bicycle Moto Cross or often called BMX first appeared in 1970 in California. As long as the name of BMX was inspired by motocross which was popular in the United States, many children and adolescents who wanted to participate in motocross but were unable to make their own tracks and race bikes like motocross, so BMX was a human-powered motocross .

A Short History of BMX: How the Sport Got Started - ...

BMX Bicycle Race of the past era

BMX racing is so popular in California, compared to other cities in the United States, because BMX racing shows exciting action, inexpensive, and can be played near home. For the type of bicycle, the size and availability of a design model by Schwin called Schwin Sting Ray (designed and produced in 1963) became the choice of the appropriate bike, because it was easy to use and in accordance with the appearance and ability of BMX bikes. The BMX competition was phenomenal in …

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Advice on How To Be a Top Athlete

Most of us are introduced to different sports as children. When we find one we’re good at, we may fall in love with the game and dream of being the greatest player. We all know the legends of people overcoming massive odds to become world-class sports stars. It’s important to remember their success was accomplished mainly with iron willpower, hard work, and careful self-cultivation.

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Look Out for Number One

To be number one, you must think like number one, meaning you’re aware of your ability and your best interest. It helps greatly to have a support system of people who also understand your talent and have your back. One of these should be an expert in sports management services who can broker the best deal on your behalf before you sign something you’ll regret.

Practice Makes Perfect

Whether playing football or the piano, the key to greatness is practice. Athletes …

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