Design a Unique and Affordable Agility Course for Dogs

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Whether you are a dog trainer, doggie daycare facility or simply a good dog mom, you may be thinking about building an agility course for dogs. You may also just want to give your fur-babies some fun activities in the back yard. Whatever your reason, there are options if you don’t have a big budget.

Horse Accessories

Especially if you live in an equestrian area, you may be able to get your hands on some used horse jumps. These would be perfect for larger dogs and are usually adjustable. It is also a more cost-effective alternative to expensive jumps designed for dog courses. This unique element could make your course stand out, drawing in more doggie clients and contestants. Not to mention, horse jumps are usually pretty aesthetically pleasing and can feature neat colors and designs.

Fire House Equipment

Fire stations are usually willing to donate their used equipment to a good cause. Used fire hoses are extremely durable and can be configured into a plethora of obstacles. They can be woven together, strung along or hung up. If you have extra pieces after cutting it to your specifications, they could also make some great dog toys, especially for dogs that tend to tear things up in a matter of seconds.

Department of Transportation

A common and prominent feature of a lot of courses is bright orange cones and markers, usually used for weaving exercises. Get in touch with your local DOT or privately owned road maintenance operation. If they have any that are out of commission or extra, they might be happy that someone is willing to take them off their hands. Even if they are a little worn down, with a little tender love and care they could be ready for a second life providing enrichment to dogs.

Don’t be afraid to get creative, your dog won’t know the difference when joyously flying over jumps. Take your relationship with your dog to the next level!

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