3 Celebrities With Birthdays During “Social Distancing”
News of COVID-19 has been sweeping the globe, overtaking the standard articles detailing the newest celebrity gossip, movie reviews or wedding announcements. As the “stay at home” orders continue into their second month, people have started to get creative when it comes to the events they once took for granted. And for many, “social distancing” has affected their birthdays, leaving them to blow out their candles alone. Here are three celebrities who will be getting creative for their April birthdays.
1. Emma Watson (April 15)
Most well-known for her early role as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter, Watson has gone on to star in other films including Little Women, Beauty and the Beast and Noah. She currently is working to promote gender equality as the United Nations Women Goodwill ambassador. The British movie-star will certainly be the “belle” of the ball during her quarantine celebrations.
2. Eddie Murphy (April 3)
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